Sunday, April 29, 2012

Clarksome Clarkster.

This is Clark.

He's my bestie.

We've only been friends for four months.

...Best four months of my life.

Yeah, he's pretty cool

(even though he's not going to NYU).

I mean,

he knows the important stuff about Star Wars.

And he likes the Avett Brothers.

And he has an adorable General Authority name.

He reads my blog,

which makes him that much cooler.

And one time I helped him woo my roommate.

That was the best.

If I were a guy, I'd totally want to be his best friend.

Oh wait!

I already am.

(His best friend--not a guy.)

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Today & tomorrow is graduation at BYU.

I think graduation is nice
(as long as I don't have to go into the Bookstore).

Everyone walks around campus in funny outfits.

And family is there.

And people are happy for each other and proud of each other.

In just a year, that will be me wearing those robes.

But I'm totally getting a Master's degree because their outfits are cooler.

I already wanted to get one, but now there's even more of an impetus.


In 1974, the Wilmington Delaware Stake of Zion* was organized.

Even though the Church was organized nearby in New York,
it took 144 years years to establish a stake in Delaware.

On April 15, 2012, the Wilmington Delaware Stake was split
and the Dover Delaware Stake was created.

In only took 38 years to get two stakes in Delaware!

I'm so happy.

I love Delaware.

And I love my church.

And I love the Latter-day Saints in Delaware.

I love it all.

*A stake is an administrative unit of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints composed of a number of congregations in a relatively close geographical area.


I like when men cross their legs and still look masculine.

It makes me smile.

Our president does it well.

Or Walk By Our Lilac Tree

The other day, I smelt lilac for the first time this year.

That was a good day.

There is a row of lilac bushes that I pass on my way to campus.

Last spring, walking past them daily became one of life's simple pleasures.

And when the cold crawled in and they died, I said to myself,

"The next time I see those bloom,
it will be spring,
and good things will happen."


I don't like to walk past them without stopping to inhale.

I feel like I'm wasting a precious chance.

The frailty of spring weighs on me a bit.

More often than most people, probably, I wonder which sense I would give up if I had to give up one.

Usually I say smell because sight and sound are too precious to me.

But I'm glad that I can smell lilac.

I'm glad to live in this beautiful world 
Heavenly Father created for me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I think the cross-section of an orange is one of the most beautiful things God has created.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wet Sandwich.

Sometimes I feel...


I hate television,
and I'm not fond of movies.

And I don't like to read, either.
Well, actually, I do.
But I never do it.

I've realized that I really love to run.

I listen to old people music.

Architecture makes me happy.

And sometimes I make all the photos on my blog posts black and white.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Still haven't met you yet.

Just now I went running at the good ol' Field House.

And guess who I saw there?

Guess who seriously considered stopping beside him and striking up a conversation?


Guess who disappeared after like 5 minutes?


Guess who was so distracted that she ran a whole extra mile without noticing?


I saw two quails today, which I took as a good omen.

Maybe that was my chance.

So if I see him tomorrow, it's going down.

Monday, April 9, 2012

This girl had a little lamb.

This is Mary.

She's my roommate.

She's wealthy.

She can save your durn life faster than you can say,
"What's it to ya?"

That's cause she's a nurse like these classy ladies.

She gets all her wisdom from Dolly.
Like, "It doesn't mean a thing if you ain't got love."

After all, Dolly makes the world go round.

She's a calling-zilla.

But that's probably just because she does everything better than everyone else.

She makes a mean calzone.

And she wages war on trans fat.

I love 'er because she gives me banana bread to foster inner peace.

And because she loves this:

She leaves me speechless, quite speechless I tell you, and I haven't stopped talking of it since!