My lifelong best friend is engaged!
I honored her on my blog once before,
but once isn't enough.
When I found out she was engaged, I was so excited
that I cried.
And then, in her honor,
I ate cereal out of a mug.
That's what she'd do at a time like that.
Of course I was thrown into nostalgia.
Because when you're a little kid,
and you have a friend who always wants to be the dog
when you play pretend,
who can draw better than any kid your age should be able to,
who rocks the 90s with a bowl cut,
and when you're older
and you've got a friend who teaches you what ravenous means,
who reads The Outsiders in one day,
whose French name is Fabienne,
who has a Chris Brown birthday cake,
who's the classiest girl at Prom,
who goes to college with you,
and always does the dishes,
and is the only girl on BYU campus to wear Timbs,
you don't know how life is going to turn out
for this wonderful girl.
The day that the smartest guy in the world
will propose to her
seems so far in the future.
But one day you wake up and that day is here.
And you realize,
that guy will be by her side for the rest of her life
and their children will be beautiful
and lucky.
This is what loving someone for her whole life
is like.