Thursday, November 24, 2011

Indian Summer.

Yesterday, I decided definitively that the best kind of weather is any
unseasonable warmth.

Indian Summer.

Or, if it's warmer than usual in Winter, I call it--
drum roll--
Indian Spring.

Yesterday, for instance, was the day before Thanksgiving,
and I wore a t-shirt and flip flops during in the afternoon.

Unseasonable warmth is even better than anticipated warmth.

There's a slight chill on your arms and bare feet
that gives you a bit of nostalgia.
Makes you feel like you should be in love
and go on an adventure.

Indian Summer whispers in your ear,
"Remember summertime, when you ran free?"

Yes, Indian Summer. I remember.

1 comment:

  1. Only you could coin the perfect phrase: "unseasonable warmth." Yes, I love that too. I miss bathing suits, the smell of suntan lotion, and the briny aroma of sea air (not that it's something I can find here, but I miss it that much more)
