Monday, December 31, 2012

'12. Not 1912.

Last year, I was really against a year-end post.
Which is funny, because 2011 was such a big year for me.

So big, really, that I thought 2012 would quite pale in comparison.

But upon reflection, it has been quite remarkable.

And what else is a blog for?

Top 12 about Twelve:
(not ranked, because that would just be too difficult)
(and obviously this is only the good parts.
there have been plenty of bad ones.
don't get the wrong idea.)

1. First time to California.
And I did it twice.
Needless to say, I'm in love.

Me at La Jolla Beach.

2. First birthday party since I was in eighth grade.
And 3948593 people showed up.

With the birthday banner Killy & Tim made me.

3. Went inside two pioneer-made temples 
for the first time this year:
Salt Lake City in February and 
St. George in July.
And attended the Brigham City Temple dedication in September.

Jess & I at the St. George temple.

4. New job description at work,
with more opportunities to plan and train.
And associate with the best people on campus.

In the Freshman Mentoring office.

5. Relief Society president for a semester. Eep!
Seriously, so blessed during that time.
Went on so many dates :)

Here's a nice picture of me from that time.

6. Sent a ton of friends on mission this year.

First her.
Michele: England

Then her.
Rachel: Florida

Then her.
Shelisa: New York

Then her.
Jessica: California

And last, her.
Cassie: Spain

And the other half of them are leaving next year.
But, good news,
the boys my age came home this year!

7. One of my favorite parts of this year
was really just my summer dinner group.
I mean, you get free dinner every night with good company
and you only have to cook thrice over the summer.

The best time was when I made a pioneer feast on Pioneer Day:
barbecued pork sandwiches, potatoes, biscuits, baked beans, strawberries & blueberries, root beer, and peach cobbler.

And then we went to an Orem Owlz baseball game,
and then to Denny's.
It was all very American.

Somehow Jess had never been to a baseball game!
And there was a rainbow.

8. Friends married!

First, Katie. One of the best friends from home.

With all the girls.

And then Lizzie & Clark.
They were a huge part of this year.
Somehow we let all this time pass without a good picture of us being taken.

I think I took this picture.
That's why it's off center.

The night they got engaged!

9. Brought a couple of grades back from the dead
(like that Emily Dickinson class, remember?)
and ended up without a grade lower than an A- this year.
Took the GRE.
And whittled down my list of possible futures.
Linguistics Professor
Museum Studies
Law School
Linguistics Professor (again)
High school teacher

This is John Stuart Mill.
I referenced his theory in a paper I wrote.
And I just love statues.

10. Exactly 100 blog posts this year.
Blogging has been a big part of my life.
Favorite pastime, besides eating.

11. A new development this year that I like to call "Say what you need to say."
When you have something to say, say it.
It helps everyone know what's going on.
And it's done me well.

I don't usually promote these things,
but a lot of this is how I feel.

12. And hey, the world didn't end.

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