Friday, November 1, 2013

Apple Peel Matchmaking.

So a few days ago,
I learned that girls
used to do different rituals on Halloween
to determine who they would marry.

They did that at midsummer as well.

(I guess it doesn't matter what century you're in--
women will always be matchmaking.)

Genevieve and I think these sorts of things
are great fun.

So to celebrate Halloween last night,
we threw apple peels over our shoulders
in the hope that they would land
in the shape of
our future husbands' initials.

And they did.

Sarah was walking by and joined us.

She got a lowercase Y.
Hopefully someone named Yelnats.

I got an A,
and Genevieve, that lucky duck,
got 3 whole letters!
T, V, & C.

So if you know a Vincent Carl Tennyson
or a Christopher Tecumseh Vial,
let me know.

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