Friday, November 29, 2013


I made a new friend recently.
His name is Malcolm.

Before I saw 
Seventh Child: A Family Memoir of Malcolm X
on a shelf at the UVU library,
I really didn't know anything about him.

Ask me about him, and I would have said,
"He was a black civil rights leader
who got assassinated.
He was a little crazy.
And he wore those glasses.
You know--
Malcolm X glasses."

I'm pretty sure
that I thought he was a Black Panther.

Not true.

He was Muslim.

And he wasn't just an advocate for civil rights,
but for human rights--
which the American government was,
for hundreds of years,
unfit or unwilling to secure for its black citizens.

He believed that his people
needed education and self-respect,
and to do whatever was necessary
to secure better lives.

What he believed in,
he believed in strong and true
and without apology.
And he gave his life to it.

The person I met in that book
was so dear.
And I miss him,
now that it's over.

1 comment:

  1. You piqued my interest, I just ordered this book and I am excited to read it!
